Rockstars' Garage: John Bonham's 23 T Bucket Roadster

One of the biggest names in rock and roll history was Led Zeppelin. They were a British group consisting of four guys who joined together in 1968 to share their knowledge and enthusiasm of blues, folk, pop and eastern music influences. Their albums are part of the lexicon of rock music from the 1970s. They were a major influence on rock musicians from the 1980s to the present. Led Zeppelin was active until late 1980 when drummer, John Bonham passed away suddenly.
Usually the focus on Led Zeppelin and cars is riveted on John Bonham. This is understandable because he certainly owned a lot of them. However, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page and even their manager, Peter Grant were also old car nuts. We will look at some of their collection and discover some interesting details you may not have known about these star cars.

John Bonham's collection was nice but not large in the American sense of scale. He owned two lovely Model T hot rods. One was called "Andy's Instant Tea" a sobriquet given to it by the builder. "Instant Tea" is famous as it appears in the Led Zeppelin movie, "The Song Remains the Same". John found it in America while on tour and paid two thousand pounds to ship it home to Redditch, England. It was painted white with custom murals, mag wheels bias ply tires and a chromed Chevrolet V8 engine. John also owned a 1915 Bucket T convertible which was less well known. It had a black vinyl top, Chevrolet 327 V8 engine, deep dish aluminum slotted mag wheels with raised white letter tires.